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Hybrid Test Environment for GPRS-handling in Regional Processors

When adding General Packet Service (GPRS) to the GSM infrastructure, the Base Station Controller (BSC) has to have a new part, the Packet Control Unit (PCU), to handle this new interface. The PCU is based on a new type of Regional Processor, the RPP. To test the software in the RPPs, a hybrid test environment was created. This hybrid test environment has the capacity to verify the software to some extent. To be able to test on a higher level and to increase the availability of the hybrid test environment, it had to be rebuilt. This work aimed to rebuild the hybrid test environment and integrate/test the new parts needed. The new parts were the Central Processor simulator (SEA), the group switch (GS4M) and the traffic simulator (TSS2000). The result of the SEA and GS4M integration was a "new" hybrid test environment that has an increased availability. This means that the RPP can be reached from the CP (SEA) and up to 7 users per RPP magazine can use the switching part at the same time and up to 16 RPP magazines can be connected to the switch. In the "old" hybrid test environment only one user could use the switching part. The TSS2000 is needed in two versions, one software and one hardware based, and how to connect these two are left to be investigated. The hardware TSS2000 was not available in the end of this work. To be able to test on a higher protocol level and save many expensive hours in the AXE target environment, the integration of TSS2000 should proceed.

Jörgen Dahlqvist


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Last updated: 2021-11-10