Göm meny

Our partners


Daimler AG, manufacturer of passenger cars.
Mecel is an industrial partner who is active in advanced engineering for the automotive industry.
SAAB Aerospace develops entire aircraft and subsystems for the military market.
SCANIA, manufactures trucks, buses & coaches and industrial & marine engines.

T-engineering is a spin-off from SAAB Automobile Powertrain.
Volvo Cars, manufacturer of passenger cars.
Volvo Construction Equipment manufacturer of off-road construction machines, it is a subsidiary and business area of the Volvo Group.
Volvo Technology (VTEC) is an innovation company that develops new technologies and concepts for "hard" as well as "soft" products and processes within the transport and vehicle industry.

Research Collaborations

SHC , Swedish Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Centre.
CapSim , Center for Automotive Propulsion Simulation. A project within the Gröna Bilen/FCHEV and STEM/Energisystem i vägfordon
ECSEL, Excellence Center in Computer Science and Systems Engineering in Linköping.
ISIS, Information Systems for Industrial Control and Supervision. ISIS is a cooperation between several research groups at Linköping University and several industrial partners.
VISIMOD is a three year project funded by the Foundation for Strategic Research.
MOViii is a Strategic Research Center funded by SSF.
CADICS is the Linnaeus Research Center for control, autonomy, and decision-making in complex systems.
LINK-SIC is a Vinnova Industry Excellence Center.

Funding Agencies

GrönaBilen, The Green Vehicle National University Programme.
SSF, Strategiska stiftelsen, The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research
STEM, The Swedish National Energy Administration.
Vinnova, The Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems.
SHC, Swedish Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Centre.

Informationsansvarig: Lars Nielsen
Senast uppdaterad: 2016-09-08