Software packages from Vehicular Systems
List of freely available software packages developed at Vehicular Systems. Links to relevant papers can be found on the page for each program package.Fault diagnosis
- FaultDiagnosisToolbox - A Matlab tool for fault diagnosis analysis and design
- LinSensPlaceTool - A Mathematica tool for sensor placement for fault isolation in linear differential-algebraic systems.
- Distinguishability - A Matlab tool for analyzing quantitative fault diagnosability properties.
- TCSI Engine Simulaiton Testbed - A complete and free Matlab/Simulink simulation testbed of a TCSI engine model for testing and evaluation of residuals generation and fault diagnosis methods, as described in Ng, Frisk, Krysander, and Eriksson (2020).
- SensPlaceTool - A Matlab tool for sensor placement for fault diagnosis. (Package replaced by FaultDiagnosisToolbox)
- TestModTool - A Matlab tool containing algorithms for finding testable sets of equations, such as MSOs, PSOs, MTESs and TESs, given structural models. (Package replaced by FaultDiagnosisToolbox)
- CausalIsolability - A Matlab tool for analyzing fault isolability propertis of structural models, taking causal interpretation of dynamical constraints into account. (Package replaced by FaultDiagnosisToolbox)
Modeling and control of powertrains
The list below contains models related to Modeling and Control of Engines and Powertrains that have been developed at Vehicular Systems and are freely available. The book "Modeling and Control of Engines and Drivelines", by Lars Eriksson and Lars Nielsen, John Wiley & Sons, 2014, gives a solid background to the potential user of these software packages.- TCSI Engine Simulaiton Testbed - A complete and free Matlab/Simulink simulation testbed of a TCSI engine model for testing and evaluation of residuals generation and fault diagnosis methods, as described in Ng, Frisk, Krysander, and Eriksson (2020).
- LiU Diesel - A complete and free Matlab/Simulink model of a heavy duty diesel engine model with EGR and VGT, described in Wahlström and Eriksson (2011).
- LiU Diesel2 - A complete and free Matlab model of a heavy duty diesel engine model, described in Ekberg, Leek and Eriksson (2018) published and presented at the SIMS 2018 conference.
- CHEPP - Chemical Equilibrium Program Package. A Matlab/Simulink package for solving gas phase chemical equilibrium problems. The package is available by request from Lars Eriksson.
- Modelica-MVEMLib - Free and open Modelica libraries resulting from the openProd combustion engine use case.
- psPack - A free and open tool for simulation of thermodynamical processes in internal combustion engines.
- LiU-D-El - A complete and free Matlab model of a turbocharged Diesel-Electric Powertrain, described in Sivertsson and Eriksson (2014).
- LiU-D-El+Benchmark - An optimal control benchmark concerning transient optimization of a Diesel-Electric Powertrain, together with a validated model, described in Sivertsson and Eriksson (2014).
- LiU CPgui - A parameterization algorithm for a control-oriented compressor model capable of extrapolating outside the regions normally measured in gas stands.
- TruckBenchmarkModel - Matlab/Simulink model of a heavy duty truck with turbocharged Diesel engine with EGR and VGT.
- ECCV Simulation Platform - Matlab/Simulink model of a heavy duty truck with an Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Powertrain.
Informationsansvarig: Erik Frisk
Senast uppdaterad: 2024-03-11