CHEPP -- A Chemical Equilibrium Program Package for Matlab
A program package, that calculates chemical equilibrium and
thermodynamic properties of reactants and products of a combustion
reaction between fuel and air, has been developed and validated. The
package consists of the following four parts: 1) A program for
calculating chemical equilibrium. 2) A database that contains
thermochemical information about the molecules, which comes from the
GRI-Mech tables. 3) A GUI that allows the user to easily select fuels,
fuel/air ratio for the reaction, and combustion products. 4) A set of
functions designed to access the thermochemical database and the
chemical equilibrium programs. Results are validated against both the
NASA equilibrium program (Gordon and McBride, 1994) and the program
developed by Olikara and Borman (1975). It is shown that the new
method gives results identical to those well recognized Fortran
Lars Eriksson
SAE Transactions, Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 2004-01-1460,

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