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Instructions for the ACADO toolkit

A precompiled version is available for ISY-users (a shared installation is provided to save hard disk space on our server) and instructions for how to use it are given below. If you can not use the precompiled version then you can install it from scratch following the instructions at the bottom of this page.

Instructions for using the precompiled ACADO on ISY - LiU Machines

Linux machines

  • Download the acadoTemplate.zip file with examples and extract it.
  • Determine if you work on a 32 or 64-bit machine, i.e. run the command
    uname -i
    and edit the Makefile so that LOCAL_PATH_PREFIX points at the right position (i.e. i386 or x86_64 that was returned by your uname command).
  • Run the provided rocket example to see that everything works. More instructions are found in the exercises.

Windows machines

Prerequisites are that Xming, and putty must be installed on your machine. If they are not installed on your machine send an email to support with information about your machine name and that you want these installed.
  • Download the acadoTemplate.zip file with examples and extract it to discworld.
  • Start Xming.
  • Ensure that X-forwarding enabled in putty and log in to a linux machine of your choice at the group with ssh.
  • Change directory to the place where you extracted acadoTemplate.zip.
  • Determine if you work on a 32 or 64-bit machine, i.e. run the command
    uname -i
    at the prompt. Then edit the Makefile so that LOCAL_PATH_PREFIX points at the right position (i.e. i386 or x86_64 that was returned by your uname command).
  • Run the provided rocket example to see that everything works. More instructions are found in the exercises.

Download and install ACADO from the source

The complete ACADO toolkit is available from the ACADO-homepage, follow their installation instructions. As a side note it is worth to mention that for windows-machines the easiest way to use it might be through the Matlab interface (as Prof. Diehl indicated on the lecture).

Download the acadoTemplate.zip to get the templates for the examples. If you will use the standard interface you need to edit the LOCAL_PATH_PREFIX to point at root directory of your ACADO installation.

Page responsible: Lars Eriksson
Last updated: 2011-06-15