Wheel loader operation-Optimal control compared to real drive experience
Wheel loader trajectories between loading and unloading positions in a repetitive loading cycle are
studied. A wheel loader model available in the literature is improved for better fuel estimation and
optimal control problems are formulated and solved using it. The optimization results are analyzed in a
side to side comparison with measurement data from a real world application. It is shown that the
trajectory properties affect the operation productivity. However, efficient trajectories are not the only
requirement for high productivity operation and all major power consuming sources such as vehicle
dynamics, lifting and steering have to be included in the optimization for productivity analysis. The effect
of operator steering capability is also analyzed showing that development of autonomous vehicles can be
envisaged especially for repetitive cycles.
Vaheed Nezhadali, Bobbie Frank and Lars Eriksson
Control Engineering Practice,

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Last updated: 2021-11-10