Experimental Validation of a Likelihood-Based Stochastic Knock Controller
New likelihood-based stochastic knock controllers
have the potential to deliver a significantly improved regulatory
response relative to conventional strategies, while also maintaining
a rapid transient response, but evaluation studies to date have
been performed only in simulation. In this paper, an experimental
validation of the new strategy is presented. To demonstrate
the robustness of the method, the algorithm is implemented on
two different engine platforms, using two different knock intensity
metrics, and evaluated under different operating conditions.
One of these platforms is a five-cylinder variable compression
ratio engine, enabling the controller to be tested under different
compression ratios, as well as different speed and load conditions.
The regulatory and transient performance of the likelihood-based
controller is assessed in a back-to-back comparison with
a conventional knock controller and it is shown that the new
controller is able to operate closer to the knock limit with less
variation in control action without increasing the risk of engine
Andreas Thomasson, Haoyun Shi, Tobias Lindell, Lars Eriksson, Tielong Shen and James Peyton Jones
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology,

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