Cylinder state estimation from measured cylinder pressure traces - A Survey
In the search for improved performance and control of combustion
engines there is a search for the sensors that gives information about
the combustion profile and the state of the gases in the combustion
chamber. A particular interest has been given to the potential use of
the cylinder pressure sensor and there is quite a lot of work that has
been made in this area. This paper provides a comprehensive list of
references and summarizes applications and methods for extracting
information from the cylinder pressure sensor about the combustion and
the gas state. The summary highlights the following topics related to
cylinder pressure: measurement chain, cylinder torque, extraction of
the burn profile, combustion placement, knocking, cylinder air mass,
air to fuel ratio, residual gas estimation, and cylinder gas
temperature estimation. The focus in the summary is on the latter
topics about the gas state but thermodynamic analysis of the
combustion process also gets a longer treatment since many methods for
information extraction rely on the thermodynamic properties.
Lars Eriksson and Andreas Thomasson

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Last updated: 2021-11-10