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Optimal Lifting and Path Profiles for a Wheel Loader Considering Engine and Turbo Limitations

Time and fuel optimal control of an articulated wheel loader is studied during the lift and transport sections of the short loading cycle. A wheel loader model is developed including engine (with turbo dynamics), torque converter, transmission and vehicle kinematics, lifting hydraulics and articulated steering. The modeling is performed with the aim to use the models for formulating and solving optimal control problems. The considered problem is the lift and transport section of the wheel loader that operates in the short loading cycle, with several different load receiver positions, while the considered criteria are minimum time and minimum fuel. The problem is separated into four phases to avoid solving a mixed integer problem imposed by the gearshifting discontinuities. Furthermore, two different load lifting patterns are studied one with the lifting free and one with the lifting performed only in the last 30 % of the transport. The results show that the optimal paths to the load receiver are identical for both minimum time and minimum fuel cycles and do not change when the loading lifting pattern is altered. A power break-down during the wheel loader operation is presented for the selected cycles of normal and delayed lifting where it is shown that the cycle time remains almost unchanged when lifting is delayed while the fuel consumption slightly decreases in minimum time transients.

Vaheed Nezhadali and Lars Eriksson

Springer International Publishing, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. Editors: Harald Waschl and Ilya Kolmanovsky and Maarten Steinbuch and Luigi del Re, 2014

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