Fuel Efficient Speed Profiles for Finite Time Gear Shift with Multi-Phase Optimization
A method that finds fuel optimal speed profiles for traveling a
predefined distance is presented. The vehicle is modeled using a
quasistatic formulation and an optimal control problem is defined. In
addition, the solving method is based on a multi-phase optimization
algorithm based on dynamic programming. This approach results in lower
computational time than solving the problem directly with dynamic
programming, it also makes the computational time independent of the
travel distance. In addition, the simulation generated data can be
used to get the solution to several optimal control problems in
parallel that have additional constraints. Further a finite time gear
shift model is presented to include the gear selection in the
optimization problem. The problem also considers speed losses and fuel
consumption during the maneuver. The results presented show the
optimal speed and gear profiles to cover a distance, making special
emphasis at the acceleration phase, where it is optimal to perform a
fast acceleration to engage the highest gear as soon as
possible. Finally a proposed application is to use the simulation data
to provide eco-driving tips to the driver.
Xavier Llamas, Lars Eriksson and Christofer Sundström
Informationsansvarig: webmaster
Senast uppdaterad: 2021-11-10